digital marketing updates

Digital Marketing Updates

Facebook allows multiple Profiles for Different Interests

Facebook has announced a new feature that allows users to create multiple personal profiles. This means that you can now have one profile for your personal life, another profile for your professional life, and still another profile for your hobbies or interests.

To create a new profile, simply go to your profile settings and click on the “Manage Profiles” option. From there, you can create a new profile with a different name, username, and profile picture. You can also choose to share different information on each profile, such as your friends, family, and work colleagues.

There are many benefits to creating multiple profiles on Facebook. For example, you can use one profile to stay connected with your friends and family, while using another profile to network with colleagues and promote your business. You can also use multiple profiles to share different types of content, such as personal photos and videos on one profile, and professional articles and blog posts on another profile.

X Launches Audio And Video Calls Feature For Subscribers

X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, has launched a new audio and video calls feature for subscribers. The feature is currently only available to Premium X Premium users, but the company has plans to roll it out to all users in the future.

To use the audio and video calls feature, users simply need to open a direct message conversation with the person they want to call and tap on the phone or video icon. Users can choose to make one-on-one calls or group calls with up to four people.

The audio and video calls feature is end-to-end encrypted, which means that only the users in the call can see and hear each other. X also offers a number of other features to protect users’ privacy, such as the ability to block and report users, and the ability to control who can see and send messages to them.

The launch of the audio and video calls feature is a significant step for X, as it makes it a more well-rounded social media platform. With the addition of audio and video calls, X users can now communicate with each other in a variety of ways, including text, voice, and video.

YouTube Updates Monetization Rules for Sensitive Topics

YouTube has announced a number of updates to its monetization rules for sensitive topics. The goal of these updates is to make it easier for creators to earn money from their content, while still protecting viewers from harmful or inappropriate content.

One of the most significant changes is that YouTube will now allow creators to monetize videos that discuss sensitive topics such as abortion and adult sexual abuse. This was previously prohibited, but YouTube has decided to change its policy in response to feedback from creators and viewers.

However, it is important to note that creators will still need to comply with YouTube’s Community Guidelines. This means that videos cannot be graphic or violent, and they cannot promote harmful or illegal activities.

YouTube has also updated its policies on monetization for certain other sensitive topics, such as eating disorders. For example, videos that focus on eating disorders and share triggers like guides around binging, hiding, hoarding food, or abusing laxatives will not receive ad revenue. However, educational or documentary content, and survivor content that references these aspects of having an eating disorder without promoting such activities won’t be impacted by this change.

Overall, the changes to YouTube’s monetization rules for sensitive topics are a positive step forward. They will make it easier for creators to earn money from their content, while still protecting viewers from harmful or inappropriate content.

LinkedIn Adds New Accessibility Options for Articles

LinkedIn has announced a new initiative to improve the accessibility of articles on its platform. The initiative will see all articles published directly on LinkedIn now processed through Microsoft’s “Immersive Reader” system, which will enable users to use text-to-speech, translations, isolate elements of language, and more.

Immersive Reader is a tool that helps people with dyslexia, ADHD, and other learning disabilities read text more easily. It can also be used by people who are learning a new language or who have low vision.

With the integration of Immersive Reader, LinkedIn users will be able to:

  • Have articles read to them aloud
  • Translate articles into other languages
  • Isolate elements of language, such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives
  • Change the font, font size, and line spacing of articles
  • Add color overlays to articles

To use Immersive Reader on LinkedIn, simply click on the “Immersive Reader” button at the top of any article. You can then customize the settings to meet your needs.

The addition of Immersive Reader is a welcome step towards making LinkedIn more accessible to everyone. It will allow people with disabilities to consume content on the platform on an equal footing with everyone else.

Google to Give Web Admins Control Over AI

Google has announced that it will give web admins more control over how their content is used by AI models. This is a significant development, as it will allow web admins to choose whether or not they want their content to be used to train AI models, and it will also give them more control over how their content is used in AI-powered applications.

Google has created a new tool called Google-Extended, which web admins can use to control whether or not their content is used by AI models. Google Extended is a simple text file that web admins can add to their website. The file contains a list of instructions that tell Google which types of content web admins want to be used by AI models, and which types of content they do not want to be used by AI models.

For example, a web admin could use Google Extended to tell Google that they do not want their content to be used to train AI models that are used to generate fake news or hate speech. Web admins could also use Google Extended to tell Google that they only want their content to be used by AI models that are developed by Google or other trusted companies.

Google Extended is still under development, but it is a significant step forward in terms of giving web admins more control over how their content is used by AI models. It is likely that other companies will follow Google’s lead and develop similar tools for web admins to use.

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